October 3-4, 2018: GILS Workshop, Gills-Inspired Life Support, Panama City, FL
July 18-20, 2018. A Key speaker for International Conference for Adaptations and Nutrition in Sports (ICANS), Chonburi, Thailand, speaking on “Oxygen: Good Gas or Bad Gas in Hyperbaria? A Matter of Perspective.”
June 17-22, 2018: I spoke on Saturation Diving during a Gordon Research Conference at Bates College, Lewiston, ME.
The week-long conference was titled “Mesophotic Coral Reef Ecosystems, The Functional Roles of Mesophotic Coral Reefs in the Anthropocene.”
I spoke in the session on Hyperbaric Medicine and Technical Diving Advances Relevant to Mesophotic Coral Reef Research.
Saturation diving is described in both of my thrillers, Middle Waters and Triangle.
November 14, 2017: I was the After-Dinner Speaker in Anaheim, California for the National Heart Association, Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR). I spoke at the Anaheim Convention Center about “A Matter of Chance: Mooglies, Sambas, Satting, and Aviating.”

June 2-3, 2017: Breathhold Diving Colloquium, San Diego Center of Excellence in Diving
Colloquium Proceedings are to be published soon.
July 1, 2016: Book Signing at First Friday Author’s Night at the Page and Palette bookstore in Fairhope Alabama:
August 10, 2016: I spoke about the Navy Experimental Diving Unit, and signed books, at the Jacksonville Scubanauts Dive Club.
Directions on their Facebook Page.