The Most Important News You Didn’t See Coming

In June of 2021, the Director of National Intelligence made a guarded announcement that UFOs/UAPs might be of extraterrestrial origin.

UFO experiencers greeted that revelation with amusement. In terms of the childhood searching game hot and cold, the ODNI statements were “lukewarm” as far as searchers for truth were concerned.

Mind you, lukewarm is far better than the frigid denial that existed a scant ten years ago. This new attitude, forced by the encounters of Navy aviators with bizarre aerial phenomena, is refreshing. It represents yet another crack in the UFO-denial barrier that has long blocked serious discussion of the matter. So, even lukewarm is welcomed by truth seekers.

Eric Haseltine

Eric Haseltine, Ph.D. is a neuroscientist having served in the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Office of National Intelligence (ODNI.) Reportedly, he was the Associate Director of National Intelligence.

On November 29, 2021, Haseltine reported in Psychology Today his take on the June ODNI Intelligence Report on UAP.

Quoting Haseltine:

 I was stunned when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (where I was Director of Science and Technology) issued a report this June, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

What he said next was remarkable.

The objects either represent exciting extensions of known science (such as directed energy physics) or exploit features of exotic unknown science (such as faster-than-light travel through gravitational worm holes).

No doubt in keeping with his Nondisclosure Agreements, Haseltine chose the safe route and discussed the possibilities that UAPs might be using known science. However, he did offer the strange theory that UAPs may have zero mass.

Thankfully, Haseltine raised the informational temperature a tad higher than room temperature. But the feeling I got was that for understandable reasons, he left out the good stuff.

NASA’s Bill Nelson

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, a former Army Captain, and NASA astronaut, recently made an intriguing observation. During a 19 October interview hosted by the University of Virginia Center for Politics, Nelson said that while he didn’t know the source of the “UAPs” that were daily hounding Navy aviators, he did believe that the most credible theory was that they were extraterrestrial—and possibly extradimensional.

In childhood game parlance, Nelson was getting “hot.” The notion of extradimensional raises a whole new level of scientific interest. In journalistic terms of what, when, and where, the most critical question, how, is finally being publicly voiced.

Luis Elizondo

But what the heck does extradimensional mean in laymen’s terms? Well, Luis (Lue) Elizondo recently told us in an interview published by GQ, Gentlemen’s Quarterly. His explanation is in game-speak, “burning up.”

Luis Elizondo in his November 2021 GQ Article

Here is a long but informative quote from that article.

“The proposed new UAP office would have to report on health-related effects for individuals who have experienced UAPs. What kind of thing might happen if you were near one?

A lot. Let me give you a notional… I’ve got to be careful, I can’t speak too specifically, but one might imagine that you get a report from a pilot who says, “Lue, it’s really weird. I was flying and I got close to this thing and I came back home and it was like I got a sunburn. I was red for four days.”

Well, that’s a sign of radiation. That’s not a sunburn; it’s a radiation burn.

Then [a pilot] might say, if [they] had got a little closer, “Lue, I’m at the hospital. I’ve got symptoms that are indicative of microwave damage, meaning internal injuries, and even in my brain there’s some morphology there.”

Space-Time Warp

“And then you might get somebody who gets really close and says, “You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?”

Well, there’s a reason for that, we believe, and it probably has to do with warping of space-time. And the closer you get to one of these vehicles, the more you may begin to experience space-time relative to the vehicle and the environment.

Right now one of the leading theories out there is that someone has figured out a way to manipulate space-time and, in essence, master the idea of antigravity.

This man ran the Pentagon’s secretive UFO programme for a decade. We had some questions. GQ, 9 November, 2021.

Harold Puthoff

I have had the pleasure of talking on the phone with Lue Elizondo for a half hour or so, and of hosting Dr. Hal Putoff, Ph.D. in the Navy’s diving laboratory. Long ago, Puthoff directed programs on advanced sensing techniques (Remote Viewing) for the intelligence community. However, Hal’s Science Seminar at our Navy lab was on the potential harnessing of zero-point energy. Very strange stuff, that.

Lue is the most recognizable face of the former Pentagon UAP Investigation program. On the other hand, Hal is the brain that is trying to decipher the how of UAP propulsion systems. For years, those two men have worked closely together.

Harold (Hal) Puthoff, Ph.D., President & CEO at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin & EarthTech International, Inc.

Hal’s physics credentials are legion. For example, Hal has over 50 years of experience as a Research Scientist at General Electric, the NSA, Stanford University, Sperry & SRI International. He is an Advisor to NASA, the Department of Defense, and the Intelligence Community on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends. He holds patents in the laser, communications, and energy fields.

Because of Hal’s rich experience with classified projects, he remains hidden in the background regarding the journalistic how question of UAPs. But what Hal thinks undoubtedly rubs off on Lue, the cagey spokesman. So, what Lue says in unclassified publications like GQ has importance.

Space-Time Bubbles

Without a doubt, the esoteric theories of advanced physics, string theory, and minuscule curled “extra” dimensions present in a quantum world are inaccessible to our layman minds. However, if perchance a Navy pilot has reported something akin to what Elizondo reported regarding a close-up encounter with a UAP, then we have learned something of immense importance about space-time bubbles.

Space-time bubbles are something we can actually imagine, as long as we don’t get too far into the details. And that is a startling revelation.

No Gravitational Influence?

However, that revelation has embedded within it the most inscrutable of all mysteries.

The types of UAP motion witnessed by aircraft and shipboard sensing systems defy understanding. They have been observed to blink out and almost instantaneously appear 60 miles away. In conventional physics, that type of motion would generate acceleration forces (G-forces) that would destroy flesh and blood, and airframes. It is unsurvivable.

A series of Techno Thrillers collectively called the Jason Parker Trilogy, features a protagonist who travels in recovered alien spacecraft both undersea and in space. While virtually every other science fiction story ignores inertial forces, the JP Trilogy dutifully includes it. Inertia is an unavoidable fact of life in our dimensional universe.

The Jason Parker Trilogy

However, in a cosmos where space-time bubbles can pop into and out of our existence, the rules of physics must change. Quite possibly, interstellar travelers could be relaxing in their Stressless chairs while performing unimaginable aerobatics, from our perspective.

When Haseltine posits that the UAPs have no mass, he might be correct. They could be in a space-time bubble outside of our dimensional space, and therefore not influenced by our gravitational and inertial forces.

But there remains the nagging question that Elizondo and Puthoff, Haseltine and NASA, have not, and probably cannot, answer—How do you create a space-time bubble?

Confessions of a UFO Skeptic

The recent U.S. government acknowledgment of UFOs has forced skeptics to confront their past dismissals. Scientist Eric Weinstein apologized for underestimating the UFO community, acknowledging their credibility and urging fellow scientists to investigate UAP seriously. This shift highlights the importance of remaining open-minded to realities beyond perceived boundaries.

Some lines are risky to cross. The line separating fact from fantasy is one such line.

What is remarkable to me about the U.S. government’s recent disclosure of the reality of UFOs, or UAPs, is that even those skeptics who have a reputation for rolling their eyes and bursting forth with ridicule have had to face the truth. Too many people are righteously aware, and claiming they aren’t, doesn’t work anymore. What many smart people have long considered fantasy, is now known to be fact. Confusing fact, perhaps, but fact nevertheless.

This scientist-writer believes that closing your mind to possibilities does nothing more than handicap your consciousness. If you refuse to peer over the boundary of your perceived reality, you’ll limit your awareness. And oh, what interesting things you’ll miss.  

Recently I was surprised to read an open apology from a renowned skeptic of the UFO phenomena, a Harvard-trained mathematical physicist and cultural commentator, Eric Weinstein.

Recently, David Bates gave the tweets from Eric Weinstein room on his pages. Not only was Weinstein brutally honest, but I found his challenge to closed-minded scientists especially refreshing.

Weinstein’s Tweets

From Weinstein’s own tweets, Bates quoted the following.

To all the UFO people who were getting it right: I blew it. I thought you were bored, easily convinced, read too much sci-fi as kids, were easily taken in. I thought there was no way this could ambiguously exist in a world flooded with sensors. I thought you were not getting it.

I am very late to your party and even having gotten the report mostly right, it has been exceptionally unpleasant to get in front of it by even a few months. I can only imagine how it feels after the many years the US has gaslight you all while knowing you were not wrong.

A lot of UFO people are nutty. But you the careful community that called balls and strikes as best you could with limited information deserve not only rehabilitation in the minds of the public, but some official recognition that you are to be listened to in the future. Thank you.

I believe you now when you say that there is even much more high quality data available but that it has not been released. At a personal level: You were right, I was wrong. Thanks for letting me join you at the ‘last minute’ in the few months before the report. I’ll listen more.

I also wanted to say to the non-ufo community that whatever I got right largely didn’t come from me. It came from patriots, fellow scientists & others who were not taken in the way I was. All I did was a bit of filtering and after-market analysis given the gravity of the issue.

According to Bates, Weinstein followed up a few hours later.

It’s totally irresponsible for any scientist to refuse to investigate UAP after this report with a full and unpruned decision tree at her side. That includes considering the total incompetence of the defense department, *aliens*, spoofing by enemies and UFO political economy.

And US scientists who refuse to take this seriously as per the above tweet are neglecting and/or turning their back on our national and international security responsibilities given this report. That is my belief. Full stop.

Thank you, David Bates, for making these tweets accessible.

Discover More

Seeking an exhaustively compiled account of a particular class of large UFOs, the Triangles? Look no further than the investigative writings of David Marler. In my opinion, as current UFO investigators go, he is the most careful and detailed of them all.  

From the cover of Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation.

Weinstein photo credit: By Rebel Wisdom, CC BY 3.0,

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