Our World Could Have Ended in 2022

In October 2022, Earth experienced a rare gamma-ray burst (GRB 221009A), an event with a 1 in 10,000-year probability. Triggered by a supernova 2.4 billion light-years away, it caused significant atmospheric disturbances. The incident echoed themes from a novel written three years prior, highlighting the potential dangers of such cosmic events.

Most of us didn’t notice that in October 2022 the Earth got its bell rung, a one in 10,000 year event. Three years before, I had written about just such an event.

Earth 1.9 Billion Years Ago

To understand the significance of this event, we must go back 1.9 billion years. Life in the oceans was nothing more than single-cell organisms, simple bacteria. Oxygen levels were extremely low, and the iron-rich oceans were ruddy brown. The ozone layer did not yet exist, so our planet was bathed in harsh ultraviolet radiation.

As the Earth’s bacteria were swimming in their primordial sea, a distant star exploded into a supernova. As occasionally happens, its gaseous remnants collapsed into a black hole. In a cataclysm of violence beyond human imagining, that black hole ejected a 300-second pulse of narrowly confined gamma rays. That burst of highly energetic photons headed into space at light speed, departing the now-dead star in some random direction.

Data of the supernova explosion that resulted in GRB 221009A. Image Credit: NASA.gov.
An artist’s illustration of a gamma-ray burst. (Image credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center)

During the ensuing 2 billion years1 after that blast, our solar system made about twenty orbits of the massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Furthermore, the entire galaxy and its nearest neighbors were moving at an incredible 1.34 million miles an hour towards a location in space called The Great Attractor.

Modern Earth

On the ninth of October, 2022, the Earth blundered into the path of that ancient but still massive gamma-ray burst (GRB). During daylight hours, GRB 221009A hit northern Europe dead on. That GRB had enough power to cause a Global Ionospheric Disturbance and wrinkle the Earth’s protective ozone layer.

Energetically, it had orders of magnitude more energy than seen before, earning it the nickname BOAT (Brightest Of All Time.)

The graphic below is found in a NASA article from March 28, 2023. NASA Missions Study What May Be a 1-In-10,000-Year Gamma-ray Burst

This chart compares the BOAT’s prompt emission to that of previous gamma-ray bursts. The BOAT blinded most gamma-ray instruments in space. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Adam Goldstein (USRA)

Gamma ray energies versus time for GRB 221009A.2


How far away is 2.4 billion light years? The Andromeda galaxy, our nearest galactic neighbor, is 2.5 million light years away. So, the GRB source was approximately 1000 times further away.

How do scientists know that? It’s measured from the gamma wave energy’s redshift, which is related to distance by Hubble’s Law and the Hubble Constant.


Ironically, only three years before the BOAT, I wrote a novel called Atmosphere. That tale featured a deadly GRB that disturbed Earth’s ionosphere and depleted much of the Earth’s atmospheric oxygen.

The following is a quote from the first page.

Four thousand and seventy years ago in a distant part of the Milky Way galaxy, a pair of gravitationally-linked stars began their death spiral, rumbling into a super energetic state that culminated in a gamma-ray burst beamed at light speed into a then-barren region of the Milky Way. In the 21st Century A.D., the Earth was racing at half a million miles per hour towards a cataclysmic collision with the brief but devastating burst of raw energy from that ancient star explosion.

In the city of Papeete, the capital of French Polynesia on the island of Tahiti, children from the local yacht club were on the water with a bevy of single sail dinghies, eight-foot-long training boats with seven-foot sails. Each dingy had room for just one child, so the tiny flotilla of snub-nosed boats was being shepherded by two sailing instructors in a motorboat, busily keeping the students corralled within their marked sailing practice area.

There was a light breeze, ideal conditions for the Optimus training fleet, with enough force to propel the dinghies wherever the sailors commanded, but not strong enough to flip the boats over. The instructors’ coaching could be clearly heard by the young sailors over the slapping of the waves gently jostling each boat.

It was 5:42 in the afternoon of November 23, but the Sun was still high. The Milky Way galaxy lay unseen directly overhead the French Polynesian Windward Islands when a blast from a galactic neighbor, a binary star system in the constellation Sagittarius the Archer, descended like Sagittarius’s arrow directly on top of the luckless Tahitians.

While the students were concentrating on wind and sail, the instructors in their bikini and boardshorts felt a burning sensation over all their exposed skin. Looking up, they saw a sky turning dark orange-brown, a sight never before recorded on Earth. The female guest instructor from California, with blond hair and blue eyes, felt her eyes stinging so severely she could not keep them open.

She shouted to her male counterpart, “I can’t see!”

As he turned away from the darkening sky to look at her, he saw the skin on her face, arms, and thighs were suddenly bright red.

“What the hell happened to you?”

He was Tahitian, and his bronze skin and dark eyes were not as affected as hers, but even at that, he noticed his own arms and legs were burning at the same moment he became aware of the screams coming from the children. They jumped into the water in an attempt to cool their burns. Only one of them, a nine-year-old boy, remained on his boat, convulsed in a seizure.”


In the story, many living in Tahiti in the French Polynesian Islands were hurt by an intense gamma and X-ray blast from above. The only good news was that the gamma rays struck one of the least populated regions of Earth.

However, those living in high-altitude cities around the world dropped dead shortly after. The effects of oxygen destruction were spread around the world by a perturbed Jetstream. High-altitude cities in China were devastated. Eighteen million died in Mexico. The South American country of Columbia lost 10 million souls, and 150,000 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, dropped in their tracks.

The damage portrayed in the novel was far greater than observed from GRB 221009A. Still, the GRB in the novel erupted only four thousand light years away, not 2.4 billion light years away. As you might imagine, close cosmic explosions are far more deadly than far-distant ones.

Reassessment and Skeptics

Due to the relative closeness of the story’s GRB, my fictional estimation of damage to Earth may have been a gross underestimate. If you multiply the effect of the BOAT a few billion times, the effects become inestimable. Total global extinction is a real possibility.

Some would have us believe that the odds of any GRB colliding with Earth are incredibly remote. The width of the gamma-ray beam from a nascent black hole is simply too narrow. Furthermore, our planet zips through mostly empty space while orbiting our Sun and galaxy. Simultaneously, it’s rushing at millions of miles an hour towards The Great Attractor.

Critics might protest that a novel about a collision between Earth and an ancient GRB is silly, considering the infinitesimally low odds of a collision.

Well, 2022 proved them wrong. It happened.

Luckily for us, the GRB was not closer.


Of course, it was a coincidence that Atmosphere would be published three years before the strongest measured GRB ever. That timing is nearly miraculous, however, compared to what NASA thought. They suggested it could be 10,000 years before the next GRB is strong enough to ruffle our ionosphere.

I suspect NASA has spent the last three years reconsidering the odds of a GRB recurrence. Or they should. The next one could come sooner than thought and be more severe than heretofore experienced. Perhaps even as severe as I wrote about. Or worse.

But the scary thing is, we won’t know if Earth is about to move in front of a dangerous GRB blast that’s been traveling through space for millennia. We won’t know until it hits. There is no warning.

NASA, could you try to fix that?

Further Reading

Record Broken: NASA Just Saw The Biggest Explosion In The Universe So Far

Bright gamma ray burst confounds models of black hole birth, UC Berkeley News

Boom! Powerful Cosmic Explosion May Hint at How Black Holes Form

We Are Being Pulled by the Great Attractor!

  1. The location of an event that occurred 1.9 billion years ago is now 2.4 billion light-years away from Earth due to the universe’s expansion over nearly 2 billion years. ↩︎
  2. Pal, S.; Hobara, Y.; Shvets, A.; Schnoor, P. W.; Hayakawa, M.; and Koloskov, O. First Detection of Global Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with the Most Powerful Gamma Ray Burst GRB221009A. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 217. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020217 ↩︎

The Most Important News You Didn’t See Coming

In June of 2021, the Director of National Intelligence made a guarded announcement that UFOs/UAPs might be of extraterrestrial origin.

UFO experiencers greeted that revelation with amusement. In terms of the childhood searching game hot and cold, the ODNI statements were “lukewarm” as far as searchers for truth were concerned.

Mind you, lukewarm is far better than the frigid denial that existed a scant ten years ago. This new attitude, forced by the encounters of Navy aviators with bizarre aerial phenomena, is refreshing. It represents yet another crack in the UFO-denial barrier that has long blocked serious discussion of the matter. So, even lukewarm is welcomed by truth seekers.

Eric Haseltine

Eric Haseltine, Ph.D. is a neuroscientist having served in the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Office of National Intelligence (ODNI.) Reportedly, he was the Associate Director of National Intelligence.

On November 29, 2021, Haseltine reported in Psychology Today his take on the June ODNI Intelligence Report on UAP.

Quoting Haseltine:

 I was stunned when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (where I was Director of Science and Technology) issued a report this June, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

What he said next was remarkable.

The objects either represent exciting extensions of known science (such as directed energy physics) or exploit features of exotic unknown science (such as faster-than-light travel through gravitational worm holes).

No doubt in keeping with his Nondisclosure Agreements, Haseltine chose the safe route and discussed the possibilities that UAPs might be using known science. However, he did offer the strange theory that UAPs may have zero mass.

Thankfully, Haseltine raised the informational temperature a tad higher than room temperature. But the feeling I got was that for understandable reasons, he left out the good stuff.

NASA’s Bill Nelson

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, a former Army Captain, and NASA astronaut, recently made an intriguing observation. During a 19 October interview hosted by the University of Virginia Center for Politics, Nelson said that while he didn’t know the source of the “UAPs” that were daily hounding Navy aviators, he did believe that the most credible theory was that they were extraterrestrial—and possibly extradimensional.

In childhood game parlance, Nelson was getting “hot.” The notion of extradimensional raises a whole new level of scientific interest. In journalistic terms of what, when, and where, the most critical question, how, is finally being publicly voiced.

Luis Elizondo

But what the heck does extradimensional mean in laymen’s terms? Well, Luis (Lue) Elizondo recently told us in an interview published by GQ, Gentlemen’s Quarterly. His explanation is in game-speak, “burning up.”

Luis Elizondo in his November 2021 GQ Article

Here is a long but informative quote from that article.

“The proposed new UAP office would have to report on health-related effects for individuals who have experienced UAPs. What kind of thing might happen if you were near one?

A lot. Let me give you a notional… I’ve got to be careful, I can’t speak too specifically, but one might imagine that you get a report from a pilot who says, “Lue, it’s really weird. I was flying and I got close to this thing and I came back home and it was like I got a sunburn. I was red for four days.”

Well, that’s a sign of radiation. That’s not a sunburn; it’s a radiation burn.

Then [a pilot] might say, if [they] had got a little closer, “Lue, I’m at the hospital. I’ve got symptoms that are indicative of microwave damage, meaning internal injuries, and even in my brain there’s some morphology there.”

Space-Time Warp

“And then you might get somebody who gets really close and says, “You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?”

Well, there’s a reason for that, we believe, and it probably has to do with warping of space-time. And the closer you get to one of these vehicles, the more you may begin to experience space-time relative to the vehicle and the environment.

Right now one of the leading theories out there is that someone has figured out a way to manipulate space-time and, in essence, master the idea of antigravity.

This man ran the Pentagon’s secretive UFO programme for a decade. We had some questions. GQ, 9 November, 2021.

Harold Puthoff

I have had the pleasure of talking on the phone with Lue Elizondo for a half hour or so, and of hosting Dr. Hal Putoff, Ph.D. in the Navy’s diving laboratory. Long ago, Puthoff directed programs on advanced sensing techniques (Remote Viewing) for the intelligence community. However, Hal’s Science Seminar at our Navy lab was on the potential harnessing of zero-point energy. Very strange stuff, that.

Lue is the most recognizable face of the former Pentagon UAP Investigation program. On the other hand, Hal is the brain that is trying to decipher the how of UAP propulsion systems. For years, those two men have worked closely together.

Harold (Hal) Puthoff, Ph.D., President & CEO at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin & EarthTech International, Inc.

Hal’s physics credentials are legion. For example, Hal has over 50 years of experience as a Research Scientist at General Electric, the NSA, Stanford University, Sperry & SRI International. He is an Advisor to NASA, the Department of Defense, and the Intelligence Community on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends. He holds patents in the laser, communications, and energy fields.

Because of Hal’s rich experience with classified projects, he remains hidden in the background regarding the journalistic how question of UAPs. But what Hal thinks undoubtedly rubs off on Lue, the cagey spokesman. So, what Lue says in unclassified publications like GQ has importance.

Space-Time Bubbles

Without a doubt, the esoteric theories of advanced physics, string theory, and minuscule curled “extra” dimensions present in a quantum world are inaccessible to our layman minds. However, if perchance a Navy pilot has reported something akin to what Elizondo reported regarding a close-up encounter with a UAP, then we have learned something of immense importance about space-time bubbles.

Space-time bubbles are something we can actually imagine, as long as we don’t get too far into the details. And that is a startling revelation.

No Gravitational Influence?

However, that revelation has embedded within it the most inscrutable of all mysteries.

The types of UAP motion witnessed by aircraft and shipboard sensing systems defy understanding. They have been observed to blink out and almost instantaneously appear 60 miles away. In conventional physics, that type of motion would generate acceleration forces (G-forces) that would destroy flesh and blood, and airframes. It is unsurvivable.

A series of Techno Thrillers collectively called the Jason Parker Trilogy, features a protagonist who travels in recovered alien spacecraft both undersea and in space. While virtually every other science fiction story ignores inertial forces, the JP Trilogy dutifully includes it. Inertia is an unavoidable fact of life in our dimensional universe.

The Jason Parker Trilogy

However, in a cosmos where space-time bubbles can pop into and out of our existence, the rules of physics must change. Quite possibly, interstellar travelers could be relaxing in their Stressless chairs while performing unimaginable aerobatics, from our perspective.

When Haseltine posits that the UAPs have no mass, he might be correct. They could be in a space-time bubble outside of our dimensional space, and therefore not influenced by our gravitational and inertial forces.

But there remains the nagging question that Elizondo and Puthoff, Haseltine and NASA, have not, and probably cannot, answer—How do you create a space-time bubble?

Phobos, Chariot of Fear


The title of this posting is no hyperbole. The “Chariot of Fear” is the ancient Greek personification of the mythological God Phobos, described by the ancients as horror riding his chariot across the night sky.

In reality, the diminutive moon Phobos, almost skimming the surface of the warrior planet Mars, is a potentially innocuous place to visit assuming you have a pressure suit and oxygen to breathe. Like Earth’s much larger moon, there is no atmosphere on Phobos. There is also no appreciable gravity.

NASA and Japan are planning a joint unmanned mission to the moons of Mars in 2024. The joint venture is called the Martian Moons eXploration Mission, or MMX. Those unmanned missions may be a prelude to later manned landings since NASA has considered landing astronauts on Phobos before landing on Mars, due to the lack of atmosphere and ultra low gravity of that moon.

Using the Hubble telescope, NASA generated a short video of Phobos as it orbits around Mars.

NASA video made from 14 Hubble Space Telescope images.

While researching a new novel, I was looking for a view of Mars from Phobos. Using the astronomy software Starry Night Pro 8, I found it.

Further more, I was able to make a 3 minute video of Mars going through an entire rotation, sped up of course some 150 times.

While the above video is aesthetically pleasing because of the background stars and the entirety of Mars being in the field of view (FOV), in reality Mars is too far away in this simulation. As the NASA movie suggests, the surface of Mars is much closer (about 6000 km away from Phobos), and thus in reality Mars fills a quarter of the celestial horizon as seen from Phobos. In other words, from Phobos the FOV of Mars is about 45°, which yields a more accurate view as shown in the following video, also made using Starry Night Pro.

Mars at a realistic distance.

The shadow of Phobos can be seen racing across the surface of Mars, to the left of center of the Martian equator.

From a writer’s perspective, thanks to affordable but sophisticated astronomical simulation software and a bountiful database of space objects and trajectories, both near and far, there is no longer an excuse for science fiction writers not getting their scenes setup correctly, assuming their stories are based on the observable universe.

As for the unobservable universe, well that’s where this thing called imagination comes into play. In an imaginary universe, there’s no fact checking allowed.

Remote Viewing – Stretching the Limits of Science in Fiction

Laser physicist Harold E. Puthoff.

I once met the Father of the U.S Remote Viewing program, unawares.

A decade ago, at the request of a Navy engineer who ended up being a character in my novel Middle Waters, I invited Dr. Harold E. Puthoff into the Navy Experimental Diving Unit to give a talk on advanced physics. He had attracted a small but highly educated and attentive crowd which, like me, had no idea that the speaker had once led the CIA in the development of its top secret Remote Viewing program.

Of late, Puthoff’s energies have been directed towards the theoretical “engineering of space time” to provide space propulsion, a warp drive if you will. Although strange by conventional physics standards, similar avant-garde notions are receiving traction in innovative space propulsion engines such as NASA’s EMdrive.

Puthoff is the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Austin, in Texas, but before that, and more germane to this discussion, Puthoff was a laser physicist at the Stanford Research Institute. It was there that the CIA chose him to lead a newly created Remote Viewing program, designed to enable the U.S. to maintain some degree of competiveness with Russia’s cold war psychic spying program.

6800 feet down in the Desoto Canyon

Psychic spying was purportedly the method used by the two superpowers to visualize things from a distance; not from a satellite, but from what some call the highly developed powers of the mind’s eye. If we believe what we read on the subject, Remote Viewing was eventually dropped from the US psychic arsenal not because it had no successes, but because it was not as reliable as signal intelligence (SIGINT), satellite imagery, and spies on the ground. But, it has been argued, it might be ideal in locations where you can’t put spies on the ground, such as the dark side of the moon, or the deep sea .

Serendipitously, as I started writing this blog post, Newsweek published a review of the Remote Viewing efforts of Puthoff and others in a November 2015 issue. The article seemed fairly inclusive, at least more so than other articles on Remote Viewing I’ve seen, but the Newsweek author was not particularly charitable towards Puthoff. Strangely, the strength and veracity of Puthoff’s science was reportedly criticized by two New Zealand psychologists who, as the Newsweek author quoted, had a “premonition” about Puthoff.

“Psychologists” and “premonitions” are not words commonly heard in the assessment of science conducted by laser physicists, especially those employed by the CIA. The CIA is not stupid, and neither are laser physicists from Stanford.

To the extent that I am able to judge a man by meeting him in person and hearing him talk about physics, I would have to agree with Puthoff’s decision to ignore his ill-trained detractors. Every scientist I know has had detractors, and as often as not those detractors have lesser credentials. Nevertheless, I have the good sense to not debate the efficacy of remote viewing. I don’t know enough about it to hold an informed opinion. However, there seems to be some evidence that it worked occasionally, and for a science fiction writer that is all that is needed.

Nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi.

As my curiosity became piqued by the discovery of the true identity of my guest speaker at NEDU, and as I learned what he had done for the U.S. during the Cold War, I thought of another great physicist, Enrico Fermi, one of the fathers of the atomic bomb. In the midst of a luncheon conversation with Edward Teller, Fermi once famously asked, “Where are they?” The “they” he was referring to, were extraterrestrial aliens.

What became known as Fermi’s Paradox went something like this: with all the billions of stars with planets in our galactic neighborhood, statistically there should be alien civilizations everywhere. But we don’t see them. Why not? “Where are they?”

In most scientists’ opinions, it would be absurdly arrogant for us to believe we are the only intelligent life form in the entire universe. And so ETs must be out there, somewhere. And if there, perhaps here, on our planet, at least occasionally. And that is all the premise you need for a realistic, contemporary science fiction thriller.

But then there is that pesky Fermi Paradox. Why don’t we see them?

Well, they could indeed be here, checking us out by remote viewing, all the while remaining safely hidden from sight. After all, as one highly intelligent Frog once said, humans are a “dangerous species” fictionally speaking of course.

That “hidden alien” scenario may be improbable, but it’s plausible, if you first suspend a little disbelief. If we can gather intelligence while hiding, then certainly they can, assuming they are more advanced than humans. A technological and mental advantage seems likely if they are space travelers, which they almost have to be within the science fiction genre. Arguably, fictional ETs may have long ago engineered space-time, which could prove mighty convenient for tooling around the galactic neighborhood.

So, if in the development of a fictional story we assume that ETs can remote view, the next question would be, why? Is mankind really that dangerous?

Well, I don’t intend for this post to be a spoiler for Middle Waters, but I will say that the reasons revealed in the novel for why ETs might want to remote view, are not based on fear of humans, but are based on sound science. From that science, combined with a chance meeting with Hal Puthoff, the basic premise of a science fiction thriller was born.

So, to correct what some of my readers have thought, I did not invent the concept of “remote viewing”. It is not fictional; it is real, and was invented and used by far smarter people than myself, or even that clever protagonist, Jason Parker.



What I Would Miss on Mars

When I first saw images from NASA’s various Mars rovers, I was almost crawling out of my skin with excitement. As I spoke at a NASA sponsored conference where scientists and engineers were discussing plans for a Mars mission and colonization, I was enthralled with the thought that humans are actually planning for mankind to leave our planet for a foreign world.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about what I would miss if I were a colonist on Mars. I’ve decided, what I would miss the most is something we take for granted in most places of the world; water.

Of course, Martian pioneers would have to have abundant stockpiles of drinking water. But I sure would miss Earth’s oceans; their awe inspiring breadth and depth, their multitudes of sea life, and the gentle shades of blue-green in clear water along sandy coasts.

I would miss the sound of the surf, the laughter of children chasing and being chased by harmless but persistent waves.

I would miss the sound of clicking shrimp, and the clicking of dolphins corralling schools of fish.

I would miss being able to open the windows on a perfect day. I would miss feeling a breeze on my bare face.

I would miss never having to wonder if I had enough oxygen to breathe. I’d miss not worrying that toxic carbon dioxide would seep into my tiny house and suffocate me and my family in our sleep, or that my home’s pressure barrier would fail and our blood would essentially boil, releasing a flood of deadly bubbles stopping our hearts.

I am concerned that those attempting to colonize Mars woud sink into a chronic melancholy simply because the water that pleases and sustains so many of us is absent on Mars. Could these homesick astronauts survive, and even thrive?

If the first wave of colonizers did survive, procreate, and nurture the next generation, the first generation of true Martians, then I suspect that generation would fare much better psychologically than the first. After all, they would never have known the verdant forests and splendorous seas of Earth.

As I pondered what it would be like to be a third and fourth generation colonist on Mars, growing up knowing nothing else, I realized that rather than space exploration being a guaranteed and common place activity at that time in the not too distant future, a bleaker possibility exists.

It is entirely possible that war, disease, asteroid and comet collisions, or even the failure of mismanaged banking systems could so impoverish the Earth that space travel to the Martian colony might not remain economically sustainable. Eventually, to the stranded Martians our Earth could be little more than a distant memory, perhaps even a legend. Martian children might grow up on the red planet hearing tales of Sky People who came to Mars from a far away place, a world of indescribable beauty, with colors of blue and green that are not even imaginable on Mars.

Some native Americans have in the past recounted tales of Sky People coming to Earth. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the next generation of Earthlings becomes the fabled Sky People that populate the planet Mars?

If offered the chance to be one of those Sky People on a one-way trip to Mars, would I sign up for the mission? Frankly I don’t think I could leave the most beautiful planet in the solar system, perhaps in the galaxy, even for something as exotic as a trip to Mars. 


On the Odds of Being Struck by Falling Satellites

UARS satellite before deployment. Photo credit: NASA Johnson Space Center.

NASA says the odds that someone will be struck by falling space debris when the bus-sized NASA Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite comes down this week is 1 in 3200. Which got me to thinking … if I was struck while out walking Friday night, would I be unusually lucky because I beat the odds, or unlucky because I beat the odds?

Would my life insurance company pay off? Arguably it would not be an act of God, or an act of war, so I think the insurance company should pay. But I really don’t know if they would; admittedly, I don’t have a falling space debris clause in my policy. (As the space around our planet becomes increasingly crowded, perhaps space debris insurance would be a good investment.)

Now if the odds were 1 in 3200 for each of us, can you imagine the chaos? That would be a mass casualty event in the making. Those odds would be much higher than the odds of being killed by almost anything else I can think of.

From Dr. Strangelove. Click to activate the video.

I suspect there would be anti-NASA marches on the capitols of all the nations affected, which would be most of the world’s nations, by people demanding we nuke the satellite before it poses a hazard. Or maybe they’d demand we send space cowboys up to guide the careening space bus to a safer impact. (I’m not sure how those heroic bronco busters would get back; maybe they’d ride it down a la Dr. Strangelove.)

Fortunately, the odds are mighty small (1 in 21 trillion) that you or I would be hit by this particular satellite. There are much greater chances of winning a state lottery.

But assuming a piece did actually hit me without putting a hole through my head or chest, maybe simply winging me, could I profit from it? Would I become an instant celebrity? Would there be book deals? Can you imagine the television talk show questions, like “How did you feel about your impending death when you saw the fire ball heading your way?”

Let’s face it, with burning metal hurtling to Earth at 18,000 miles per hour I likely wouldn’t see it in time to react, and if I did see it, I undoubtedly wouldn’t have time to mentally compute its trajectory. Should I stand still or run? In fact, I think that calculation would be impossible. An incoming missile simply gets larger and larger in your field of view, giving you perhaps just enough time to say “Oh…” but not enough time to finish the four letter expletive you had intended.

But frankly, I’m not at all concerned. If it happens at all, it wouldn’t happen to me. It always happens to the other guy. Which I’m sure is what the insurance companies are hoping – it will be the other guy, and the other guy will be uninsured.

If pressed, I suppose I could see the insurance company’s point; If I did get squashed by supersonic satellite debris it probably would be an act of God.

Now, I’m trying to think, have I done anything to tick Him off lately?






Going Nowhere Fast – Military Aviation Centrifuges

I was securely strapped into one of the world’s largest human centrifuges at the Naval Air Development Center (NADC) Warminster, Pennsylvania, jocked-down like a pilot in a high performance fighter. As the gondola started moving, I felt the pneumatic cushions in my G-suit inflate, squeezing my legs and abdomen, helping to prevent blood from pooling. Excess pooling would cause a decrease in the volume of blood being pumped to my brain, potentially resulting in unconsciousness. That type of blackout is called G-LOC, or G-induced loss of consciousness.

G is the term for the acceleration of gravity, about 9.8 m/s2. I was being exposed to a relatively mild but prolonged 3-Gs. To put that acceleration into perspective, the shuttle astronauts are exposed to no more than 3-Gs near the end of their climb to orbit, and briefly during reentry. The Apollo astronauts headed to the moon were limited to a maximum of 4 Gs, again during only a brief period of time.

The author at NADC

But my three-G exposure was not brief. If I had been launched upwards with a 3-G acceleration for three minutes  I would have been travelling at almost 12,000 miles per hour at the end of those 3-minutes, over mach 15, and would have climbed 296 miles, well above the altitude of the International Space Station. It would have been a sight to behold.

Another 3 and a half minutes and I would have been going fast enough to escape Earth’s gravity.

Alas, in reality I wasn’t going anywhere, except in circles around the inside of the centrifuge room, attached to a 4000 hp electric motor by a 50-foot long arm.

Author going for a spin

During the run I experienced about what I’d expected — I felt heavy, very heavy, like 3 times my body weight heavy. But I was not at all expecting the sensation I got when they put on the brakes. I felt like a bowling ball careening down a bowling lane. I felt like a gymnast doing impossibly fast forward somersaults.

It was not pleasant.

And I’m very glad the photographer took a photo before the run, rather than after.

I was at Warminster to study the stresses imposed on F/A-18 fighter pilots during high-G exposures.  In the 1990s, losses of aircraft and pilots were an all too frequent occurrence during high-speed maneuvering flight due to G-LOC. To prevent G-LOC pilots need to perform, with precision, an anti-G straining manuever, even though they wear the same anti-G suit I was wearing.

From the cockpit of an F-18

To understand the fighter pilots’ problems, anti G-suits provide at most 1-1.5 G protection advantage. and most people lose consciousness above 3-5 Gs without a G-suit. But a fighter like the F/A-18 can easily pull 8-9 Gs during close in combat. That is where the anti-G straining manuever comes in. The pilots grunt and strain, contracting their leg and abdominal muscles during the high-G portion of the pull, forcing blood from their abdomen into their chest cavity, making blood available for the heart and brain.

Astronaut Alan Shepard

The NADC centrifuge had been used to train the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts. Quoting from the Air & Space Smithsonian magazine, “John Glenn called it a “dreaded” and “sadistic” part of astronaut training. Apollo 11’s Michael Collins called it “diabolical.” Time magazine referred to it as “a monstrous apparatus,” a “gruesome merry-go-round,” and, less originally, a “torture chamber.”


Compared to the centrifuge ride, a flight to the moon was a cake-walk, except for Apollo 13 of course.

The NADC centrifuge was closed by the BRAC committee in 1996. The Navy Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola FL also has a centrifuge in which I’ve ridden, but NAMRL is closing as well, in September 2011.

It seems like military man-rated centrifuges aren’t as popular as they used to be.

Click for a larger image.

Fortunately, NASA has a modern centrifuge, although its maximum G-force capability is about half that of the NADC centrifuge. Nevertheless, anyone who has ridden a centrifuge will tell you the 20-G capability of the NASA Ames centrifuge is more than enough to test human endurance to the forces of acceleration.

Divers In Space

Signs of flowing water have been found on Mars. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/05/science/space/05mars.html?_r=1

That of course makes Mars even more tantalizing than it is already.

Now Mars has been added to a growing list of bodies in our solar system that are believed to have water, and in some cases entire oceans. Let me be so bold as to pronounce, where you have water, you will eventually need divers.

Biosphere 2

I once attended a joint NASA – Diving Conference at Disney World in Orlando. It was largely devoted to discussions of the science and engineering that would be required to send men and women to Mars and to sustain them in a colony. I was presenting a diving related talk at the invitation of one of the editors of the Life Support & Biosphere Science journal, a short-lived scientific journal that reported on the science conducted in Biospheres and other life-support systems.

After hearing a number of fascinating NASA accounts, I talked about a rather arcane subject: A Priori models in the testing of diving life support equipment. That work was published in 1996. At the end of the talk, a NASA engineer asked, somewhat smugly I felt, how diving had anything to do with space.

Well, that wasn’t at all the purpose of the meeting, or the reason why I was talking. The organizers believed, correctly, that sojurns in space and underwater share elements in common; namely, people and breathing equipment. We could, and should, learn from each other.

Now, regarding the question: I can ad lib with the best of them. Knowing that Jupiter’s moon Europa was believed to be hiding a large ocean beneath its icy surface, I responded that someday astronauts will be carrying a dreadfully expensive piece of hardware to an alien moon or planet with water, and that priceless tool will get dropped  — into the water. It happens all the time on Earth.

Now what? You can’t go on-line, order a replacement, and expect an overnight FedEx shipment.  That is when a space diver would be worth his Earth-weight in rhodium.

Saturn's moon Enceladus

Since that time, we’ve learned that Saturn’s moon Enceladus jets water from its south pole.  As reported in the journal Icarus, that suggests that, like Europa, there may be a liquid ocean beneath the moon’s icy crust.

My suspicion is that long before we’ll need cowboys in space, we’ll need divers in space.

So divers, keep your diving helmets oxygen clean. You may get the call any day now.

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